The first free Supersaurs augmented reality app was developed in early 2017 to accompany the UK launch of the first book in the Supersaurs series, Raptors of Paradise. It was available to download from both the app stores and was very easy for anyone of any age to use. You simply pointed your device’s camera at any of the illustrations in book one and watch them pop up in various exciting ways. There also featured a game where you are set tasks by characters from the book to find numerous hidden objects and people within the augmented reality images. This was way ahead of anything out there at the time and we received many positive comments from both customers and industry.
Upon release of the next book in the series, The Stegosorcerer, we produced a second dedicated app that gave an immersive augmented reality experience generated from the front cover. The app transported you into the middle of a stampeding herd of stegosaurs that would run straight past you whoever you looked. When the dust settled you could literally walk around a full-size Carter astride his mighty stegosaur, and there was a puzzle to solve by finding a variety of scattered objects.
Both apps were formatted to work with all devices at the time of their publications, and for a long while they worked very well. But as screens became increasingly bigger and operating systems became more advanced our apps had to keep up with the changes. We commissioned a few expensive app updates but after a few years the hard decision was made to retire both apps and they are sadly no longer available. If you still have the apps on your device it should still work to an extent, but some of the functionality might not be formatted correctly.